I thought I'd put the links that I've recorded from the 2020 SQL Bits conference in a blog post. This is a brain dump of everything that ended up as a tab in my browser...
# YouTube
# Blogs
- Page Free Space - Paul White (opens new window)
- Page Free Space - Paul White - Equality Comparisons (opens new window)
- SQL Server Central (opens new window)
- Coeo - Azure Backups cost (opens new window)
- Conor Cunningham - Rebuilding Indexes in Azure (opens new window)
- Brent Ozar - Deadlocks (opens new window)
- Hamish Watson (opens new window)
- endjin - OceanMind (opens new window)
# Useful Pages
- Itzik Ben-Gan (opens new window)
- Microsoft Advanced Analytics Reference Architecture (opens new window)
- Microsoft Automated Enterprise BI Reference Architecture (opens new window)
- Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (opens new window)
# Tooling
- DBATools (opens new window)
- DBOps (opens new window)
- MSBuild.Sdk.SqlProj - DotNet Core SSDT (opens new window)
- PSFramework (opens new window)
- SQLTools VSCode Extension (opens new window)
- Microsoft QnA Maker (opens new window)
- Microsoft Bot Framework (opens new window)
- Azure Functions Core Tools (opens new window)
- NightingaleHQ Bot Maker APP (opens new window)
- tSQLt (opens new window)
- PStSQLtTestGenerator (opens new window)
- SSDT-With-tSQLt-Template (opens new window)